
【地道英語】Down with the kids 大年夜人學小孩兒

  The script of this programme 本節目台詞

  Helen: 大家好。Welcome to Authentic Real English with me, Helen...

  Rob: ...and me Rob. Hi there!

  Helen: Rob, I like your trainers, very cool... and look at your designer jeans. Trendy! Rob 看起來挺時髦的,跟以往大年夜紛歧樣啊!

  Rob: So you like them then?


  Helen: I do but... it's not really what someone your age normally wears.

  Rob: I see. But don't you think it makes me look cool and fashionable and…younger?

  Helen: Erm...

  Rob: I'm just trying to get down with the kids.

  Helen: The kids?! Rob 戰孩子們進來一路玩?!So you',翻譯;re down with the kids? Down where exactly?

  Rob: Oh Helen, keep up! I'm not going anywhere. I mean I'm keeping in with the kids. I'm in tune with the younger generation - yeah!

  Helen: 啊!你是說您要跟上你的孩子們或是下一代的時尚步調,不能脫節了。So Rob, to do this you have to dress like a teenager?

  Rob: Not just that. I share the same interests as young people. I listen to their music on my mp3 player. Look...

  Helen: Could you turn that down please! So you're acting young when really you aren't! 這個短語 down with the kids 的意義是年夜人學小孩。Well, you are certainly a big kid Rob! Let's hear some examples of people using this phrase.

  · My Dad's bought a new skateboard so that he can be down with the kids!

  · I almost broke my neck snowboarding on holiday but hey, at least I'm down with the kids.

  · She's dyed her hair red and pierced her nose just so she can be down with the kids!

  Helen: 大人跟著小孩兒學,這可故意思。So Rob, what else are you doing to be down with the kids?

  Rob: Hey Helen, sort of, things like chillin' and being where it's at.

  Helen: Rob not all kids talk like that.

  Rob: Oh right. Well, I've got some rollerblades so I can blade round the park. The only trouble is... I can't seem to get them on... Ouch, my back!

  Helen: Are you OK? Rob 念玩滑澇冰,結果你看老骨頭不成了吧,把腰給傷了。Do you need some help?

  Rob: Thanks. I think I'll just put my slippers on - much more comfortable.

  Helen: 別記了,要唸跟著小孩子們趕時髦,那還得花點兒工伕,沒那麼輕易。我們下次節目再見。Bye bye!

  Rob: Bye. Ouch, my back! Helen, could you just put that slipper on there? Thanks!

