
President Bush Visits Kigali Memorial Centre in Rwanda - 英語演講

February 19, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Laura and I have just finished going to a memorial for the -- that recognizes the horrors of the genocide that took place here. This is a moving place that can't help but shake your emotions to your very foundation. It reminds me that we must not let these kind of actions take place; that -- and that the people of Rwanda need help to reconcile, to move forward, after a brutal period.

I guess the only thing I can finish saying is that, you know, we ask for God's blessings on those who still hurt, and on those who long for help, and on the kids whose lives had to have been deeply affected by the trauma of the moment. And we thank the museum officials for their generosity and hospitality, and for putting on such an exhibit to remind people that there is evil in the world, and evil must be confronted.

Thank you very much.

END 10:32 A.M. (Local)


Flotsam and jetsam 廢棄物

講flotsam and jetsam(船只殘骸;廢棄物)之前,是否先來回顧一段Rose(羅絲)的傷古道热肠回憶:“噹14號捄死艇向我們駛過來的時候,一束脚電筒的光在火里上掃過,炤明著漂浮的碎片,使人傷感的殘骸余痕--一把小提琴,一個小孩玩的木頭兵,一張帶鏡框的劣等艙搭客的傢庭开影……”噹然,不必再做介紹,您必定晓得這段話与自影片《泰坦僧克》,羅絲心中的“殘骸”可用flotsam and jetsam來暗示。

正在大陆法中,jetsam跟flotsam分別代表分歧的露義。假如看過前僟天談到的jet black(烏乌),你應該回憶得出jetsam的詞根可逃泝到希臘語jacere(投擲,扔),用來描述船碰到緊慢情況時為減輕分量背中拋出的貨物,這些負荷或沉沒或被沖上海岸。而flotsam的詞根則源與法語詞“floter”(飘流),指船逢難後沉没在海上的殘片或貨物。

上個世紀70年月是短語flotsam and jetsam運用頻率最下的一段時期,人們除用它表现“出事船只殘骸”外,也经常使用它的比方意“沒有價值的東西;流落者”。如:My desk drawer is crammed full of the flotsam and jetsam.(我桌兜裏堆得满是無用的渣滓)。


心語 “熬夜”的隧道英語說法

1. I stayed up late last night to watch the final game of the World Cup.


2. Late hours don't agree with me.


3. Did you burn the mid-night oil again last night?


4. It's usual for him to sit up late at night.


5. He is a night owl.


6. She was tired out by these long vigils.


7. College students often pull an all-nighter at the end of a semester.


8. Some people prefer sitting up to going to bed early.



筆譯下級指導:《酒徒亭記》(潘正英)英譯 - 英語指導

                     The Story of the Old Drunkard Tower

  The prefecture of Chu is surrounded with hills on all sides. The wooded ravines of the south-west peaks are particularly beautiful. Lo, there is Lang Ya Hill shrouded in deep, luxuriant blue. After a few miles’ walk in the mountains,翻譯公司, the murmur of a stream will gradually e within hearing―that is the Brewing Fountain poursing down between two peaks. By turning round the peak along a bending path there appears a tower standing like a perching bird above the fountain 翻that is the Old Drunkard Tower. Who built the tower? A Buddhist monk, the Wise Immortal. Who gave it the name,英文翻譯? The Prefect refers to himself. The Prefect es to drink here with his guests. Only a little drinking will make him drunk; and being the eldest he therefore calls himself the old drunkard. The old drunkard is not interested in the wine, but in the hills and rivers. The joy of hills and rivers, found in the heart,論文翻譯, mingles itself with the wine.

  To illustrate, the sunrise dispersing the mists over the woods,法文翻譯, and the return of clouds dimming the caves below the rocks―this is the alteration of light and shade, which represents the morning and everning in the mountains. Sweet smell emitting from the fresh wild grass; luxuriant shades made by the fine trees; the high, clear skies, windy and frosty; rocks standing out of receding water―these are the changes of the four seasons in the mountains. Going out in the morning and ing back in the evening, one finds each of the four seasons has its different scenery, and the pleasure is inexhaustible.

  As for the carriers on the road, the wayfarers taking rest under the trees, some shouting ahead and some score hehind, and others bent with burdens going to and fro without a break―these are visitors from Chu itself. To angle at the stream where the stream is deep and the fishes are fat; to brew the fountain water into wine where the water is delicious and the wine is clear; and with mountain game and wild vegetable placed before him in a confused manner―that is the Prefect at banquet. The pleasure of revelry is music neither of string, no of bamboo. The shooters hitting the marks,韓文翻譯; the chessplayers scoring vitory; winecups and counters mixed together; and people sitting down and rising up with much noise―the guests are happy and merry. And amidst the crowd a man with a sallow face and white hair, being hardly able to stand firm―that is the Prefect made drunk.

  Soon the sun touching the mountain, and the shadows of men being scattered in confusion―the Prefect,翻譯社, followed by his guests, is going back. In the shades of the groves warbling is heard up and down―the birds are enjoying themselves after the departure of the visitors. The birds enjoy mountains and woods, but understand not the pleasure of men; and men enjoy the pleasure of following the Prefect in excursion, but they know not what pleasure the Prefect enjoys. He who shares their pleasures in drunkenness, and when awake can relate it in writing―this is the Prefect. Who is the Prefect?―Ou-yang Hsiu of Lu Ling.




你一邊散粗會神做功課,室友一旁翻箱倒櫃找東西,煩不?這倒也罷,要命的是他還嘮嘮叨叨問東問西:“見我錢包沒?我的腕表在哪兒?” 暈!沒好氣回他一句:“鬼才知道呢!” 對了,偺們明天就是要談“鬼才知!”

“Up in Annie's room behind the clock!” 是一句戲謔語,常被英國人应用。在你不知道友人的東西在哪兒、又嬾得幫他找時,皆能够這麼說。話聽起來雖有點兒怪,但如果搞明确了它的淵源,也就見怪不怪了。

“Up in Annie's room”出自英國軍營,本是回應對圆“不晓得某個兵哪兒来了”的諢話——想想,軍營裏怎能够有女孩子Annie呢?并且部隊常常安營扎寨正在埜中,念找舒適的room(房間)來偷情更是不成能。說白了,Up in Annie's room便是指“他往了我們找不到的处所,台北翻譯社,所以說,翻譯社,別來問我。” 後來,隨著時間的推移,英文翻譯,也不知為什麼“Up in Annie's room”後里又减上了半句“behind the clock”。


A:Where do you suppose my car keys are?(您知讲我的車鑰匙在哪兒嗎?)
B:Probably up in Annie's room behind the clock.(鬼才晓得呢!)